Written by Luiz De Souza
July 9, 2020
The father thought about his family
About what was right
And about what was wrong
Every morning and night
And after midnight all night long.
The thoughts were so tender
Dreams about night and day
About kindness once in a while
About goodness that comes to stay
Filling the blanks of a lifetime’s file.
A certain day as a good parent
The father thought about the strength
Of the love coming from his heart
And also about the length
Of the kind love never set apart.
From his big heart the father
Always expected the best for his child
And also for his lovely wife
Both living in this world, so wild
But sharing a kind life.
His daughter, love of his life
Was always his little girl and love
Tender like the blue sky
Flying with white wings like a dove
Floating always higher and higher.
His wife, the special gift of his life
A smiling face to share the best days
Good moments like flowers
In fields along their ways
And along their special hours.
The moments can go on
He could walk alone.
In stores, lakes, the shores
And delays
At front doors.
There he was all the time
To see
The sea
Looking for prime.
At a store he observed
and found
The profound
Love that a mother deserved.
Two statues sharing love
Side by side
With pride
Of a tide
Sharing the love from above.
A mother and a child
The nice
And fair price
Of a love before so mild.
He bought the priceless gift
Leaving the store with a smile
Two statues together for a while
Now going to another drift
Ready to lift
Another love and style.
A happy mother, with a smile
To her daughter, in every trace,
In every moment, every space
Like two hearts beating for a while
Like a kind style
Of love brightening every face.
The father, with satisfaction,
Could express his tender heart
Taking his tears apart
With his lovely action
A tender reaction
Expressed since the start.
The satisfaction was clear
Father, mother and child
Expressing love, acting so mild
A love so tender, so near
And without any fear
All the family smiled.
It was a priceless gift
And a moment never lived before
A family joined more and more
And the occasion was so swift
Like a nice rock rift
Touched by the waters of a shore.
The statues remained still
On the shelf to remember the union
Of a family living the communion
Just like the father’s will
A special skill
Memory of an eternal reunion.
July 9, 2020
The father thought about his family
About what was right
And about what was wrong
Every morning and night
And after midnight all night long.
The thoughts were so tender
Dreams about night and day
About kindness once in a while
About goodness that comes to stay
Filling the blanks of a lifetime’s file.
A certain day as a good parent
The father thought about the strength
Of the love coming from his heart
And also about the length
Of the kind love never set apart.
From his big heart the father
Always expected the best for his child
And also for his lovely wife
Both living in this world, so wild
But sharing a kind life.
His daughter, love of his life
Was always his little girl and love
Tender like the blue sky
Flying with white wings like a dove
Floating always higher and higher.
His wife, the special gift of his life
A smiling face to share the best days
Good moments like flowers
In fields along their ways
And along their special hours.
The moments can go on
He could walk alone.
In stores, lakes, the shores
And delays
At front doors.
There he was all the time
To see
The sea
Looking for prime.
At a store he observed
and found
The profound
Love that a mother deserved.
Two statues sharing love
Side by side
With pride
Of a tide
Sharing the love from above.
A mother and a child
The nice
And fair price
Of a love before so mild.
He bought the priceless gift
Leaving the store with a smile
Two statues together for a while
Now going to another drift
Ready to lift
Another love and style.
A happy mother, with a smile
To her daughter, in every trace,
In every moment, every space
Like two hearts beating for a while
Like a kind style
Of love brightening every face.
The father, with satisfaction,
Could express his tender heart
Taking his tears apart
With his lovely action
A tender reaction
Expressed since the start.
The satisfaction was clear
Father, mother and child
Expressing love, acting so mild
A love so tender, so near
And without any fear
All the family smiled.
It was a priceless gift
And a moment never lived before
A family joined more and more
And the occasion was so swift
Like a nice rock rift
Touched by the waters of a shore.
The statues remained still
On the shelf to remember the union
Of a family living the communion
Just like the father’s will
A special skill
Memory of an eternal reunion.